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Showing posts with the label dog anxiety

Treating Dog Anxiety | 3 Proven Treatments for Fear of Thunderstorms and Fireworks

How Prevalent is Dog Anxiety for Thunder Typical dog fear stance: ears back, whites of the  eyes  showing,  head lowered  and back hunched. A dog anxiety survey of 2000 dog owners found that approximately 13% of dogs suffer from noise phobias, defined as a persistent, irrational fear response.  Yet of those surveyed, only one third of the respondents whose dogs exhibited  symptoms had sought any treatment or professional advice to manage their dog's condition. Furthermore the Bristol survey found that 50% of owners did not recognize that behaviors they reported in response to loud noises were in fact fear related symptoms. Here are three effective treatments for reducing canine anxiety caused by fireworks, gunshots and thunderstorms. Noise Sensitive Dogs: Causes of Noise Phobias and Anxiety Some dogs exhibit fear of loud noises from an early age while others display a sudden or slowly increasing fear of loud noises...