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80 Original Female Irish Setter Names

The Irish Setter is a breed of gundog that is also a well loved family dog. The AKC recognizes the heavier set, show-bred dog as the Irish Setter, while the Field Dog Stud Book recognizes the lighter, more agile dog under the name Red Setter.  These happy-go-lucky dogs are highly intelligent and high in drive. Affectionate with family, they also greet strangers enthusiastically; with that in mind, they do not make good guard dogs. These unique names for female Irish Setters exalt their Irish gundog heritage, rolicking personalities and radiant, red coats. Irish Setter On Point while pheasant hunting.                                 By Henktenklooster Irish Female Names For Puppies Aideen - Means Fire, a great name for a fiery redhead. Bevin - Fair Lady; originally used to describe Norse women. Bree -  Higher power. Bridie  - Derived from Bridget, it means the high one or strength. Colleen  - Little girl. Darcy - Means dark or descended from the dark hair