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How To Finding the Right Dog Breed and Breeder for Your Family

Pure bred dogs offer puppy seekers the opportunity to match their family’s needs with the traits and temperament characteristics of the dog that may best suit their home environment.  Each dog breed was bred to perform a specific set of tasks. For that reason, each breed’s body structure, instincts and temperament have been molded over generations, in many instances centuries, through selective breeding, to develop the breed’s type.   While there are no guarantees on temperaments, pure bred dogs offer prospective owners a good idea of what their puppy will grow up to look like, what is energy level is likely to be, as well as its inherent instincts, tendencies and general personality characteristics. Where To Find Your Dog Breed and Leads on Breeders If you are still choosing between several dog breeds or have already set your sights on a particular breed, a good starting place is a dog show.  Most AKC breeds will be represented there, and in many insta...

Should I Neuter My Dog? The Shocking Risks Of Neutering Early

Intact male dogs tend to live longer healthier lives Image: Courtesy of Images of frightened, discarded cats and dogs in shelters tug at our hearts and serve to encourage the public to embrace the spaying and neutering of pets as a way to reduce the unwanted pet population.  The burgeoning population of abandoned cats and dogs has increased in tough economic times. A growing trend in the animal welfare and rescue community has been to spay and neuter cats and dogs prior to releasing their charges to their new adoptive families.   In the case of young kittens and puppies, some of the more zealous of these organizations have begun spaying and neutering puppies as early as 6 -8 weeks of age.   Research regarding the long term benefits and risks that such early intervention may have on the physical development of the adult dog is many years away. However we can look to existing research for the effects on the health of dogs spay...

Is Pet Insurance Worth The Cost? What Does It Actually Cover?

Pet health insurance can save pet owners thousands of dollars in veterinary bills, but only if the claim is not denied. Buried in the fine print of many policies are preexisting condition exclusions and annual exam requirements, the scope of which leave many pet owners unreimbursed and infuriated. These tips are designed to help you understand what is and is not covered in a given policy, so that you can make an informed decision – is pet insurance right for me and my particular pets? And if so, how do I find the best plan for my pet's potential needs? Pet Insurance Case Study: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly The story of Zephyr illustrates the advantages and shortfalls of pet insurance coverage.  Zephyr was a six month old puppy and a show dog prospect, when she caught her toe in a screen door and broke one of the delicate bones in her foot. To ensure the foot healed correctly, and prevent a career ending limp, her vet recommended a costly surgery to place a pin in he...

Puppy Teething Resources

Puppy teething, which begins around 13 weeks of age, is a trying time for both the owner and your puppy.  Puppies feel terrible during this phase, their gums hurt as they cut new teeth, and the jaw is inflamed.  Owners must remain vigilant during this phase as well, or many treasured possessions will end their useful existence.  Checkout these resources to help you find health chewing outlets for your new companion and learn more about maintaining healthy dog teeth. 10 Puppy Teething Survival Tips! Everything you ever wanted to know about puppy teething, how long teething last, why dogs chew and the best teething aids.   How to Easily Determine Dog Age By His Teeth Amaze your friends and family with your ability to tell a dog's age simply by looking at the wear patterns on his teeth. Illustrated. 10 Best Puppy Chew Toys! Health and Safe dog chews and toys designed just for puppies.  Many made in the USA! 5 Best Chew Toy...

Easy, Healthy Pumpkin Dog Treat Receipe

Canned pumpkin tops the list of the most nutritious fruits and vegetables!  Rich in Vitamin C and E, high in fiber as well as antioxidants, it also helps to control loose stools.  Add to that a teaspoon of cinnamon, an anti-inflammatory that improves blood circulation and helps regulate blood sugar and lower cholesterol,  and you have a super  nutritious and inexpensive treat for your best friend.  This is a gluten free recipe that's great for dogs on a limited ingredient diet . Also, dogs suffering from diabetes or arthritis will benefit especially from this recipe. Preparation time 5 minutes: Ingredients: 3/4 Cup Dry Rolled Oats 1 - 15 oz Can of Pumpkin (not the spiced pie filling) 1 - Teaspoon Cinnamon 1/2 Cup Dry Powdered Milk 2 - Tablespoons Water 2 - Tablespoons of Molasses - optional Place dollops on a greased (or Pam sprayed) cookie sheet, and bake for 15-20 minutes at 300 degrees. D...

What To Feed Your Dog After Having Diarrhea or An Upset Stomach

Source: Courtesy of Dogs are omnivores with scavenging tendencies; t his means they are open to eating almost anything that appears edible,  and that can lead to bouts of diarrhea.  Diarrhea is defined as loose or watery stools; it is the system's attempt to quickly eliminate something distressing from the intestinal tract that is poisoning the system. Causes of Acute Diarrhea in Dogs Acute or sudden onset diarrhea The dog may have picked up a bug or virus The dog has eaten something that does not agree with him Internal Parasites  Change in Diet Poison Causes of Chronic Diarrhea in Dogs Food allergies such as gluten or main protein ingredient allergy Inflammatory Bowel Disease Kidney, Liver or Thyroid Disease Irritable Bowel Syndrome In most instances, diarrhea does not necessarily warrant a trip to the vet.  If the dog appears to be in good health otherwise, then you can treat his symptoms at home with some simp...

15 Warning Signs of Cancer in Dogs

Courtesy of Cancer is increasingly common in pet animals, and as pets age, the likelihood of contracting some form of the disease increases substantially.  In fact, cancer accounts for almost half of the deaths of pets over 10 years of age.  In breeds like the golden retriever it is estimated that between 60 and 80% will contract a form of cancer. But cancer is not restricted to geriatric canines, dogs as young as 4 years old may be diagnosed with it. While dogs in general contract cancer at approximately the same rate as humans; cats tend to get fewer cancers, perhaps owing to their nine lives. Some cancers such as Hemangiosarcom and Oesteosarcoma have a higher rate of occurrence within certain breeds, suggesting a genetic component is probably at work. If your dog’s breed has a propensity for developing a specific type of cancer, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the early warning symptoms of the onset of the disease.  Awareness...

45 Meaningful Female Chocolate Labrador Names

By Tony Hisgett, Birmingham UK Five Fun Facts About Labs The Labrador Retriever is America's favorite dog breed, but Americans are not alone in Lab loving. Considered the most popular breed in the world,  Labradors are the favorite breed of the UK, Israel, New Zealand, Australia and Canada. Mayor of a California Town - Bosco , a Labrador retriever, was elected honorary mayor of Sunol, California in 1981.  He ran as a re-pup-lican, and beat two human candidates for the honor.  Bosco remained mayor for another 13 years, until his death in 1994. Labs make the best Guide Dogs. In fact, approximately 70% of the American guide dogs are Labrador retrievers. Labradors are one of the ten breeds with the best sense of smell.  They can sniff out cancers in early stages, that were previously undetectable.  Labs have been trained to sniff out various cancers through patients' breath, urine and stool samples. They are so highly accurate, that scientists are att...

4 Promising Studies: Early Detection and Treatment Options for Canine Hemangiosarcoma

Courtesy of Public Domain Images Hemangiosarcoma is a form of cancer found almost exclusively in dogs. A relatively common canine cancer (6-8% of all canine cancers) it is estimated that 2 million of 73 million dogs currently alive in the United States will develop the disease and ultimately die from it. At this time, it is considered incurable, as it remains symptomless until the advanced stages of the disease.  The current standard of care, surgery and chemotherapy, have proven to extend the life to the affected dog a mere median of 180 days, with surgery alone, and an additionally 180 days with chemotherapy added to surgical intervention. In the wake of these poor treatment outcomes, research has focused on early detection of the disease as well as a new, very promising alternative medical approach. Hemangiosarcoma Hemangiosarcoma is an indolent cancer, meaning it initially develops very slowly, asymptomatically and painlessly.  The most common primary sites ...