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AKC Recognizes 2 New Dog Breeds in 2014

Learn more about the Coton De Tulear This year the American Kennel Club has allowed two new breeds to join their roster of pure bred dogs.  The Wirehaired Vizsla has joined the Sporting Group while the darling Coton De Tulear has entered the Non-Sporting Group. The Coton De Tulear This tiny fluffy dog is the national dog of Madagascar, where the breed originated. Named for its cottony white coat, "Coton" and the Port of Madagascar, Tulear, these charming dogs have  graced  Madagascar's national stamps. The breed standard calls for a gay and light-hearted dog that is never demanding. The tail is carried happily over the back and the proportions of the dog are slightly longer that tall.   The expression of the Coton is a smiling one that expresses "joie de vivre." The temperament of the breed is marked by a unique sympathy to the emotions of those around them. They are also known for their unique vocalizations which may include unusual grunts and 

Top Educational Toys | Award Winning Kids Toy, Canine Cardz, Offers 8 Games in One Package

Looking for an novel toy for your young dog lover that does not involve electronics?   Canine Cardz, by Zazzy Pals, is 8 games in one package, and it combines children's three favorite activities. Awarded the 2014 "Best New Game of the Year" by Creative Child Magazine , the games are gender neutral and can be played alone or with up to 5 players.  All pieces come in a 5 x 9" carrying case, so it's ideal for holiday travel. The Package Includes: A Deck of 54 Unique "Dog" Playing Cards 12 Color Pencils 1 Sketch Pad 4 Large Colored Rubber Bones Instructions for Playing 8 Different Games Lessons on Learning How to Draw Dogs Canine Cardz on Sale at Wags and Whiskers Gifts. Use Coupon Code RP2012 for and additional 10% off Get It - Now The 8 games were developed by Randi Bienniek, a child psychologist, self taught artist as well as the mother of triplets!  Randi spent 20 years working as a school psychologist for elementary,

The 10 Best Puppy Chew Toys for Teething Puppies

Once puppy teething starts, it seems as though some object must constantly be in the puppy’s mouth. And if it’s not, your window sill, stair risers, or your shoes and socks will make equally delicious teething objects.  Save yourself some heartbreak and expense by starting your puppy off right with these durable and safe teething toys.  At all costs, avoid cute puppy toys that look like objects you don’t want chewed up; rubber squeaky shoes and cell phones are toys that teach your puppy to destroy valuable objects. Keep in mind that many of these toys are made for small, soft deciduous puppy teeth.  Some of these chew toys are not appropriate for a heavy chewer’s adult teeth. Watch for wear patterns on them, and remove or discard toys if look like they are getting worn to a point where they are likely to break or rupture. Note: We recently updated this article with the latest natural chew toy that is making in-the-know puppy owner's puppies content the world over.

Treating Dog Anxiety | 3 Proven Treatments for Fear of Thunderstorms and Fireworks

How Prevalent is Dog Anxiety for Thunder Typical dog fear stance: ears back, whites of the  eyes  showing,  head lowered  and back hunched. A dog anxiety survey of 2000 dog owners found that approximately 13% of dogs suffer from noise phobias, defined as a persistent, irrational fear response.  Yet of those surveyed, only one third of the respondents whose dogs exhibited  symptoms had sought any treatment or professional advice to manage their dog's condition. Furthermore the Bristol survey found that 50% of owners did not recognize that behaviors they reported in response to loud noises were in fact fear related symptoms. Here are three effective treatments for reducing canine anxiety caused by fireworks, gunshots and thunderstorms. Noise Sensitive Dogs: Causes of Noise Phobias and Anxiety Some dogs exhibit fear of loud noises from an early age while others display a sudden or slowly increasing fear of loud noises over time. Certain breeds, such as

75 Meaningful Names for Cheeky Chihuahuas

The "deer" headed Chihuahua                                      Photo Credit: Werwin 15 Chihuahuas are renowned for their over-sized personalities, penned up in pint-sized bodies. Some of their admirers refer to this attitude as the Napoleon Complex. The American Kennel Club describes their personality as "saucy," and continues, by describing them as self-confident, self-reliant and even self-important.  With such a tremendous disposition to live up to, you can have a lot of fun appointing your tiny chihuahua with a big name worthy of a little tyrant. These chihuahua name ideas pack a punch for your tiny bundle of TNT! Included here are male and female Spanish names for chihuahuas, spicy names as well as unique, famous names from history for your male or female chihuahua. The History of the Chihuahua This ancient breed originates in Mexico, and is named for the Chihuahua region. Ancient frescos from the Toltecs and clay effigy pots clearly depict image