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Grooming Fluffy Dogs | How to Care for the Double Coated Dog

Grooming not only keeps your dog's coat in good health, it reduces the amount of hair shed in your home and provides an opportunity to bond more closely with your dog. Whether you are wanting to keep your dog's coat in show condition or are just looking to keep it free of mats, these tips on caring for your fluffy dog will make short work of keeping your dog healthy looking and your home free of unwanted dog hair. Double Coated Dog Grooming Basics: 101 Before brushing your dog, always mist him lightly with a little water from a spray bottle. The water will eliminate static electricity  and provide elasticity to the coat to prevent breakage of hair the shafts. If you can hear the brush as it is pulling through the coat, you are brushing too hard or using the wrong style brush on the coat. Always brush out your dog and remove any mats before bathing him.  Washing a dog with loose hair or mats will only aggravate the situation, causing the mats to grow in size and bec

Just For Teething Retrievers! 5 Best Puppy Chew Toys

America's favorite dog breed for twenty years running, is also one of America's toughest power chewers.  These five toys have been tested for durability, interest and safety.  Several of these toys float, making them ideal for retrieval training, as well as all round chew toys. Your Labrador Retriever puppy is guaranteed to love these toys for a long time to come! The GoughNuts Stick is Guaranteed for Life The GoughNuts Guaranteed Indestructible Dog Chew Toys Designed with maximum safety in mind, the GoughNuts Dog Toys are made from premium rubber that is not as plastic tasting as some of the competitor's toys.  The Original Toy comes in green with a red center. Their slogan is, "Green means Go! Red means Stop!" If your dog reaches the red center, it is time to take it away from him and send it in for a replacement.  You pay shipping and a small handling fee for the replacement. Here Black means Go, and Red means Stop! Lab owners rave about the d

10 Puppy Teething Survival Tips and Best Solutions

Puppy teething begins with the first eruption of milk teeth When Do Puppies Start and Stop Teething Depending on your puppy’s breed, teething will begin somewhere between 12 and 14 weeks, and the small, sharp milk teeth will begin to be pushed out by the larger adult teeth. The teething phase typically lasts 3 months, and puppies should be finished with the process by eight months of age. Large dog breeds tend to start and complete teething faster than smaller breeds.    With this developmental stage comes a new set of challenges. This is the puppy equivalent to the “terrible twos” -staircase balusters, window sills, house plants, leashes, table and chair legs, shoes and socks, all are fair game to the teething puppy, that does not yet know its boundaries. If she can get her mouth around it, it’s going to be fun to destroy! Puppy Teething Signs and Symptoms Red inflamed and swollen gums. Bulging gums where new teeth are about to erupt. Small amounts of bl